24/7 Webchat for Educational Institutions

Turn every Conversation into a Positive Experience

Improving customer experiences in the education industry.

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Everything starts with a conversation.

Empower your customers to communicate with you how they want, when they want. With custom AI technology, education institutions are able to deliver world class experiences. Office staff can focus on what they do best. Delivering 5 star service to customers, parents, and students.

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the best Customer experiences

Make it easy for customers, parents, and students to communicate through personalized conversation flows. Everything is customized for your school.

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Dr. Suzie muir

School Bridge

The chat service has improved our overall customer service and online professionalism. As a school, we have customized a ton of conversation flows for every scenario. The Zyra customer service is solid. They respond within minutes every time! I highly recommend using Zyra.

Reinvent how you serve your Students and Parents

Students and parents expect instant answers. It’s time to transform the customer experience and meet them where they are.

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Floyd Miles

Catholic Education Arizona

As an I.T. guy, I really appreciate a technically solid product that is easy to use, easy to support, and most importantly, delivers results. Zyra’s software works phenomenally, and they take the feedback we have and use it develop an ever better service. Very impressive company.

Any channel, Any time.

Communicate with students and parents by using the channels they love. Whether it’s your website, Facebook, WhatsApp, or a phone call... Give them options.

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